Sunday, 2 May 2010

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry for deleting - there were a few punctuation and spelling errors.

    Hey Sharon.
    I randomly chose your blog so I could complete Russel's homework for this week, re: critiquing another students experiment two.

    What I'll do, I will look over the whole assignment generally and then from that, draw a foremost strength and weakness.

    General Strengths:
    I really think your axonometric sketches use interesting hatching patterns. They offer different dimensional perspectives, which makes them interesting to view and think about. I especially like the sketch you based your final model on. Speaking of which, the structure you ended up modelling is quite interesting. I like its form.
    It also obvious you have thought uniquely about your design, more specifically in relation to submerging part of your design under water. I really think this is effective and something I have not seen anywhere else as yet. I also quite like the way you have textured this section. When I first saw it, I imagined myself experiencing the space and being visually excited by the intensity and refraction of the textures through the water. Speaking of your textures, they definitely show the transition from light to dark. They are quite good.
    I also think your terrain on its own is well done. I specifically like the bumpy area to the left of your structure in the third image from the top.

    General Weaknesses:
    Perhaps the most obvious weakness is that your structure is obviously made of more than nine prisms. If I had to hazard a guess as to why, I suspect you may not have considered negative spaces as prisms as well. As I said, this is just a guess though. Even so, I think your overall form is successful outside the guidelines of the brief.
    I think your image captures could have worked better, only because they don't really focus on a human experience with the architecture. Instead, the seem to focus more on the experience with the view and terrain. Some really effective shots that make it seem like a person is in/on your structure could really aid in the portrayal of your ideas and the eccentricities of the design not visible from far away. A shot of Darwin in his lab looking up at the structure would be an example.
    One area I think may prove useful to work on in experiment three is the initial stage of extrapolating ideas and inspiration from the stimulus material, in this case, the quotes. This step, I believe, is paramount to the success of the project as it provides a thesis, so to speak, that you will continually be able to draw back on. This has the potential (depending on the ideas) to inspire every element of the project thus unifying it as a whole. For example, looking at the quote you got from Stephen Hawking, perhaps you could have played with the idea of development and refinement in your architecture. These ideas are simple and quite easy to develop architecturally. Also, having a central most idea could help justify little parts of the scheme like the intensity and colour of the lights in the meeting place.

    Before I continue, I just want to say that analysing your project has really helped me highlight some of the weaknesses in my assignment. Also, most of the above points have come from discussions had with my tutor and tutorial group.

    Now to the strongest and weakest aspect of the scheme.

    Strongest Aspect:
    The uniqueness of your thought process. [I just love that part of your structure is submerged underwater!]

    Weakest Aspect:
    It is hard to see a clear inspiration from the ideas in the quotes.

    I hope my analysis has helped somewhat!
    All the best with experiment three!
